Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Frugal toy

I had a particularly lovely heavy session the other day. As I scoured my available toys, I spied this new one hanging up so I thought I would give it a whirl. It was quite well received. Somewhat stingy with a nice punch thanks to the holes along the paddle. Upon closer inspection, I noticed the paddle was rubber coated and I realized this must be a baking implement, not a BDSM implement. Wait, that minimalist metal is familiar, could this be from Ikea? And the answer is yes! Specifically, a Koncis spatula.

As if Ikea was not distracting enough as-is, I will now be spending time looking for potential cheap toys that will pass through airport security with no cause for alarm.

I got my eye on this meat tenderizer. I'm a vegetarian, but I think I got some meat I'd like to be tender.

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