Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Two Knotty Boys Show You the Ropes ~ Book Review

This book is nicely laid out with large color photos. It breaks down the bondage into five sections: the knots, basic, decorative, dominance and sex bondage. In other words, something for everyone. If you are like me, you utilize all sections within a single enjoyable evening.

This is a pretty sexy book about rope, but I found some of the pictures seemingly straightforward, but were rather complicated in action. I don't think this is necessary fault of the Knotty Boys, I just think it is very difficult to show someone with text and photographs how to tie bondage. They show a few impressive knots and systems that look great upon which you can expand. However, it does not, for example, go into how to safely rig someone for suspension.

Someone actually made me a rather thoughtful binder of all knots, not just kinky ones, but functional ones. I can still use them for sinister purposes. Eco-savy BDSM tip: befriend rock climbers and ask for their retired rope. Take out the core and you will have tons of great bondage rope that will impress Midori.

Like Mae West said, a girl who knows the ropes is less likely to be tied up.

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