I start by stripping you bare, you become new before me. I discard your pants, shirt, shoes; I take off your watch, your glasses and put them all away. They are no longer needed.
I begin with picking out the appropriate lingerie. Shall you be my innocent maiden or my slutty girl of the night? I decide on the latter, and pick out black lace panties and bra. You step into the panties, I slowly pull them up past your thighs, up to your hips, comfortably tucking everything away. I bring the bra in front of you, and you slide your arms into it, I fasten you up in back. We're both quite aroused at the sight of you in your sexy black lace lingerie. I take a moment to cop a feel, feeling up your breasts, pinching your nipples--you moan and gasp in delight.
Moving on, I bring over a black satin garter, clip it around your hips. I choose sheer black stockings with a seam running up the back. I gather the stocking in my hands and inform you to stick one delicate foot into the pile of sheer and slowly stretch the stocking up your leg, carefully adjusting to make sure the seam is straight and clip it to your garter. I repeat with your other leg. Now both legs are beautifully encased in sheer black stockings. I softly run my nails up your legs, squeezing the inside of your thighs.
I take the black corset and wrap it around your waist, fastening the silver hooks in front. I firmly grasp the ties at your back and pull tight, working from top to bottom, pulling, adjusting, cinching your feminine waist tighter and tighter. The corset pushes your breasts upward and makes your ass stick out ever so slightly, so I smack it. I pull up your panties into your ass and smack again, turning your delicious little fanny into a girlish shade of pink.
To finish dressing you, I decide on a very short black leather skirt. I can still see the tops of your thigh highs and garter, but as my slutty girl it's ever so appropriate. I complete your outfit with tall shiny black boots. Your transformation is complete.
I ask you to walk toward me, with your best seductive gait, slowly swinging your hips, teetering ever so slightly in your new high heels, I pull you close by sliding my finger between your breasts into your bra and whisper, Do you wanna be my girl?