Sunday, April 26, 2009

Why Same Day Appointments are Impossible

There has also been a rash of eager beavers hoping to get a same day appointments. Suddenly, I realized that I have never granted a same-day appointment.

So my little ones here is why:

1. Logistics
I respond to every sincere inquiry within 24 hours. Even if you are sincere and I do not think we are a suitable match, I will still let you know. Many times I will respond to e-mails within hours, but I choose not to live by my inbox. Since I enjoy so many other things, it seems limiting. So when you e-mail me at 10pm, wanting to see me at 11pm, it is very likely that I have either retired for the night or am out making my own trouble. Do you respond to all your e-mails within minutes?

2. Preparation.
Even if I did get your last minute e-mail, I couldn't possibly prepare for our time together. I start thinking about it the moment you contact me, from space, to toys, to lighting, to wardrobe, right down to the music I will play. I do everything I can to create a mutually enjoyable scene, which is not something I can do with short notice.

3. Classiness/Respect
I am not a corner barber shop you can just wander into on a lark. I am a Lady. I lead a very full schedule. It is disrespectful of Me and My time to inquire about a last minute appointment. Do you expect to be seated with no reservation at four star restaurant?

I want to play with you. I want us both to have an amazing time. Please schedule your appointments with as much notice as possible, ensuring that amazing time.

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