As you well know, I am a huge fan of the show Golden Girls, and I'm saddened that Rue McClanahan who played, "Blanche" (the slutty one) has recently passed.
Here are some of my favorite lines of hers:
Dorothy's friend: How does it feel to have your butt whipped?
Blanche: Well, sometimes I find it strangely titillating . . .
Blanche: Now Rose... put yourself in my position.
Rose: Apparently I'm not limber enough
Dorothy: How long do you think you can stay handcuffed?
Blanche: My personal best is 32 hours... of course, then I had someone to play with.
Blanche: I do love the rain so... it reminds me of my first kiss.
Dorothy: Aww... your first kiss was in the rain?
Blanche: No... it was in the shower!
Blanche: Sophia, do you know where any batteries are?
Sophia: You make me sick!
Dorothy: There's a man on our lawn!
Blanche: Get the net!
Blanche: I can't believe you said that! Oh if I weren't a lady I'd deck you.
Dorothy: You try and I'll have you on your back so fast you'll think you're out on a date.