Sunday, March 30, 2008

Are your boots made for walking?

As a professional domme, I often think about my feet and the boots I wear. What's more I think about what I'm going to do with them. I recently came across this campaign for Kenneth Cole, asking for real people who live their lives in a different way, one category they seek to employ are sex workers. I've always liked Cole's thought provoking campaigns and I admire he does seem to be genuinely concerned with making a statement rather than just making a sexy ad for his shoes. I received this information a little late in the game, but thought it may be of some interest:

We are casting the Fall 2008 advertising campaign for Kenneth Cole. The campaign is called NON-UNIFORM THINKING and we hope to shine a light on different types of social issues facing people around the world. In particular we would like to profile those who work to end injustice both at home and abroad. The campaign will be an extension of what is running right now all across America
( and will be a celebration of those individuals who strive to make a difference in the world around them. One issue we feel would be interesting to profile is that of sex workers and the dangers they face every day. Awareness is the most important aspect of change and most people do not understand what a sex worker even does and by enlightening those who do not know we can focus on ending the stigma and violence that plagues the community.

The ad campaign will run for 6 months in all print media (magazines, billboards, internet, in-store display) beginning in the fall. In addition we will be filming the shoot and interviewing those involved to be put on the website. In the interview the person(s) can tell their story and discuss whatever they wish in relation to being a sex worker and the issues they face on a daily basis.

If this were to work out we will pay a fee of $3,500 to be distributed however they wish.

It will shoot in NYC the week of April 14th.

I have included some general information below about Kenneth Cole and images from the current campaign. Please visit to see the complete advertising campaign as well as videos on all of the participants.

For the last 25 years, Kenneth Cole has been both innovative and provocative in raising awareness of a multitude of social causes and issues. As a company Kenneth Cole prides itself on doing things differently, and trying to make the consumer see society from a different perspective. The NON-UNIFORM THINKING campaign embraces this mindset and focuses on real people who live their lives in a different way – either by their own choice or through circumstance. By integrating interesting people of substance into this fashion campaign we hope to dispel all forms of social prejudice by celebrating diversity. Kenneth Cole strives to choose the path least worn and question the status quo. Our attitude is, "If we can't do it differently, it's not worth doing."

If you know of anyone who is interested please have them email with their story and a few photos of themselves asap.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Thanks so much

Sex Workers Outreach Project USA
Administrative Team
912 Cole St. #202
San Francisco, CA 94117
1-877-776-2004 #2

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