Monday, April 5, 2010

Psychology Today

As soon as I saw her at my doctor's office, I knew she was coming home with me! Okay so this is issue of Psychology Today is from August 2008 but it's not likely you read it, so enjoy my opinion of the article, Typically Twisted.

It is not, as I initially expected about sexually deviant, but rather about "being normal" and people's obsession about it. Out of seven possible "oddities," only one relates to sexuality. Although many people may try some kink or anal sex, most people "harbor strong and decidedly subjective ideas about what's simply kinky and what's truly creepy." As a dominatrix, I come across many people's fantasies that have been deeply harboured and there is often a sense of shame or guilt.

"A practice that is harmful, exploitative, or dangerous . . . such as public flashing is deemed abnormal . . . then it's usually called a paraphilia, defined as unconventional sexual behavior that's both obsessive and compulsive. For instance a guy who can only get off only when he's wearing diapers."

And I'm here to tell you, it's all good baby!

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